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Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

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descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn13
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn12

I decided to get this one started seeing this is the site that has the best build yet I have seen on the net.My build will be no where as complete but I do believe in the long run it will be better than most.The book "The Anatomy of a ship Scharnhorst " is a must I just wish I would of paid a little bit closer attention.

Dernière édition par javlin le Jeu 23 Nov 2023, 04:01, édité 1 fois

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

A pic of the hull the decks are not glued in as of yet and I am leaving the stringers on the deck many people complain about flexing it seems to help.I hope you can see the handrails up and down the bridge and on the stern. Wink Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn16
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn15
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn14

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

It's been slow going mainly building the double 40's(?) from Veteran Models they are very time consuming I have more coming from Bunker Studios will pick the best out of the litter let's say.I noticed another inaccuracy the wall behind the R/double ended up in the wrong spot had to remove the ammo box build the wall to that area and fold's close. Then, I noticed that a box existed in front in between the doubles between the ammo boxes it's a ventilation chamber for the lower deck. I fabricated something to scale and added two louver vents.The range finders are just in place ATTM nice fit.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Default_wink

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn19

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn17

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn18

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

You did an amazing work.
And the color of the wooden desk goes very well with that of the ship.
Congrat! Bravo...

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin D65b

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

with pasta a écrit:
You did an amazing work.
And the color of the wooden desk goes very well with that of the ship.
Congrat! Bravo...

Thank You!The one part of the ship I could not fix hence the using my resources better was that deck of the bridge ...the lookout post..I will have to leave well enough alone.I need to add it really is quite aggravating that the engineers @Trumpeter could of not manufactured another piece for this kit to make it compliant.Paduka will be the base used it on my 1/72 S-100.

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin S-100_10 Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin 1f609 Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn20

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

FYI : model in build => topic moved to the correct field.

Bien cordialement et à bientôt, Yves
Chantier en cours : Le Pourquoi Pas? 1908 (1/75° Billing Boats) - Partie I : ICI ! - Partie II : ICI !

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

A little over an hours worth of effort making the grab bars and installing.This is not 100% in scale the width is roughly 16" about right the step distance is 11" I'm figuring more like 12/14"?The book shows four bars in a section I have five but they are there.I also added a hatch not represented and a portal.The tricky part if it can be pulled off is making the crows nest on the outside of level two with wire. Wink Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn23
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn21
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn22Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn24

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Nice to see another Scharnhorst build!
Nice fits, nice paint... This will be an amazing build for sure sourire

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin


descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

The desk is a mess but the Bridge continues to grow.The nest have been added quite easy to make rearrangement to Trumpter's idea compasses outside and three set of binoculars two lights still left to add.I find the only way to move forward is spend 1/3 hours 3/4 days a week or one would never finish Life is just to short if to many post just mention it will compact them. WinkKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn27
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn25
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn26

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

The Bridge is getting close to completion maybe 2/3 more weeks as you can see I have grafted on some brass rod off the upper part of the SS seeing how much rigging will be involved.The next part I reworked was the main radar platform cutting off the molded C38's and placing the aftermarket I will rework those not smooth or flat for my liking.Pics #4/5 show the new mast again made out of telescoping hollow rods to support the vast amount of rigging I will encounter later this was a first for me.I noticed from the instructions that the box behind the radar was filled with boxes and 2X binoculars when in reality for 1943 only for post not attached to the floor with hand wheels attached??I know not what for but had some 1/72 external gunsights I used for the wheels and some plastic rod semi-rounded off.Tanks for looking. Wink Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn34
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn33
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn35Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn37
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn36

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Nice work sourire

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Merci Wink

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Beau travail! Very Happy

Projets en cours:
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Animiertes-gif-von-online-umwandeln-de-2
Caboteur Blythe Star 3D 
Cuirassé Bretagne 3D
SS Delphine 3D

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Thanks Iceman I'm thinking of painting the wheels in the upper structure black grey make stand out a bit and will do more pics when finished with the SS esp the Veterns searchlight much improved over the kit. Wink

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn43
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn44
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn42
I had one day out of my Holiday I could/felt like working in the shop.The three main turrets are just about complete really worked on the color to match the book and it does the flash lightens the color a few shades.The search light was a finicky little piece to build I say about 15/20 pieces maybe from Veteran Models.I built up some of their 3.7cm guns what a PITA they were have some on order from Bunker Studios should be here next week the two you see are VM's.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Default_wink
A turret has already gotten another coat of paintKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Default_wink

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn41

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Looking good!
I quite like the colored turret tops the Kriegsmarine used on several occasions (red, blue, yellow)...

Nice work!

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Thanks Iskor I continue to try and bring forth a decent representation forward minus the lookout deck which I caught to late.The secondary turrets needed a bit of add-ons to the simplified Trumpter version I had to add pole supports the Flakvierling platform,rails side of the turrets,used Tamy tape for the shielding to the outside,modified the flakvierling(correct version en-route) and added a 20mm poles to the outside of the Flak station.I tried four times today to make ladders the crew used to scale the ammo boxes into the flak station to none my liking so ordered some from Poland universal.The Flakvierling that went on top of the secondary turrets were of a different nature/design  hence the reason some new ones are en-route.I am really trying with not letting finances get to much in the way to make here as accurate as possible.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Default_wink

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn53

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn51

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn52

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

The build now moves to the aft structure of the ship funnel/hanger.I added some pluming(brass rod) to the front of the funnel and some holders(brass again) for the out-riggers coming off the side of the funnel attaching to the underside of the gun deck.The biggest pain thus far was molding that one continuous pieces of railing for the gun deck Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Default_hsmack

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn58

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn57

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn59

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

I now have the correct style Flakerling atop the turret.

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn62

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn60

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin Scharn61

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Je découvre,c'est du beau,très beau  Very Happy Bravo... Bravo...

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

pelican a écrit:
I discover, it's beautiful, very beautiful  Very Happy Bravo... Bravo...

Thank You Sir I am working the motor launches a bit with some brass'n them up a bit.Thanks for the compliment and looking in.God Bless Kevin Wink

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

That's a great job sourire

But too big for me, I'll return to my 700ths lol!

Lorsque les pères s'habituent à laisser faire les enfants, lorsque les fils ne tiennent plus compte de leur parole, lorsque les maîtres tremblent devant leurs élèves et préfèrent les flatter, lorsque finalement les jeunes méprisent les lois parce qu'ils ne reconnaissent plus au-dessus d'eux l'autorité de rien ni de personne, alors c'est là en toute beauté et toute jeunesse le début de la tyrannie.
Platon, La République

« La mer, compliquée du vent, est un composé de forces. Un navire est un composé de machines. Les forces sont des machines infinies, les machines des forces limitées. C’est entre ces deux organismes, l’un inépuisable, l’autre intelligent, que s’engage ce combat qu’on appelle la navigation. »
Victor Hugo

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

Yuth a écrit:
That's a great job sourire

But too big for me, I'll return to my 700ths lol!

Thanks I would do 1/700 but for the same reason I gave up detailing 1/72 A/C my eyes just were not there anymore. Wink

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

A nice build! thanks for sharing some pics with us sourire

descriptionKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin EmptyRe: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

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