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 Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin

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dan le cevenol
9 participants
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyLun 11 Mar 2024, 21:37

IsKor a écrit:
A nice build! thanks for sharing some pics with us sourire
I hope to have some motor launches ready for show later this nothing fancy just some brass railings and canvas covers.
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dan le cevenol
Second Maître
Second Maître

Localisation : Les Salles du Gardon

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyMar 12 Mar 2024, 20:19

Superbe montage un travail de passionné. Ca promet une belle réalisation, Bravo.
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 14 Mar 2024, 00:18

in the Cevenol a écrit:
Superb editing, a work of passion. This promises to be a great achievement, Bravo.
I am glad that you like it Dan it really has been a joy in the break from A/C modeling and God Bless.  Wink
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 14 Mar 2024, 00:19

Not a lot to report been let's say busy fixing cars,baseball MS my nephew's team is in town and just work.I have about 3 hours thus far in these launches and two more to go with the rails in the back  to which covers will go in play on atleast one.The rails are my handy work.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Default_winkKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn64
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn63
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyVen 15 Mar 2024, 00:56

Thanks for the likes and looking in.The launches are basically finished need to give the one out front some more TLC.The bare launch in the middle I am thinking of rolling up a tarp towards the front of the cage since she came out the best might as well show it off.The launches were bare bones except the props life preservers and metal falls on me.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Default_wink

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn66
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn65
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyJeu 11 Avr 2024, 01:09

The build has been going slow but steady today was a day of rain and more than usual got completed so some pics.I have on order Another set of flakerlings just to be sure the right ones are in the correct position they used different setups depending on the space available for the mount..The rear mast.....will lets just use John's words had a degree of cuss factor involved but now complete.I ordered two sets of square liferafts one from Bunker Studios and some source called Peddinghaus more like 1/350 1/2 the size of BS and 1/4 the size what came in the kit.I am going but the pics in the book and how the LF lie inside the the launch on the side and BS match the scale and number of LF.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Default_wink

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn69
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn68
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn67
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Localisation : ANZIN
Navire préféré : tous

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptySam 13 Avr 2024, 09:18

Un superbe travail
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyMer 22 Mai 2024, 23:25

A small update.The wood is on it way to being finished put an oil finish on it I get locally delivered in from Vicksburg MS stuff is really good.I give this some time to dry out maybe another coat either way once dry then goes the varnish and once hard polish it out with steel wool and lastly a fine automotive polish for paint.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Default_winkKriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn71
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn70
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Scharn72
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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyMer 22 Mai 2024, 23:47

I have a second hobby it's wood work.This a Hunt Board I made I hate staining wood so when I want to change the color I change the wood.This has Sapele,Cherry,Birch,Maple and Western Cedar inside for the floor.Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 53387-11
Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 53393-11
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0582..574 Richard
Enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe
Enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe
0582..574 Richard

Localisation : Lévignac

Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 EmptyMer 29 Mai 2024, 17:24


Joli montage , bravo  Bravo... Bravo... Bravo...


Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 9968740582

javlin aime ce message

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MessageSujet: Re: Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin   Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin - Page 2 Empty

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Kriegsmarine Scharnhorst Paderborn [Trumpeter 1/200°] de javlin
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