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 IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin

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6 participants

Localisation : Biloxi,MS

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 02:31

I built this one or let's say finished in the last year she went dormant for about a year.I had I think the Eduard PE set and used quite a bit of it.The rigging something I luv to do and the IJN never fails me came out quite Nice on this one!I hope you guys like her she is one of my favorites. Wink 

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum10
IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum11
IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum12

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum13
IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum14

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum15
IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum16
IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Chikum17

Yuth, chris, Philippe R. DAVID et MarinShadok aiment ce message

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Localisation : Hautes-Alpes

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 08:20

Very good job!  Bravo...

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin 16884313

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Hi Bob !
Hi Bob !

Localisation : Au bord de la mer
Navire préféré : Marine Nationale & IJN

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 10:13

Very nice work, an congratulations for your amazing work on the riggings sourire

Lorsque les pères s'habituent à laisser faire les enfants, lorsque les fils ne tiennent plus compte de leur parole, lorsque les maîtres tremblent devant leurs élèves et préfèrent les flatter, lorsque finalement les jeunes méprisent les lois parce qu'ils ne reconnaissent plus au-dessus d'eux l'autorité de rien ni de personne, alors c'est là en toute beauté et toute jeunesse le début de la tyrannie. Platon, La République
IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Yuth1510
Si le savoir peut créer des problèmes, ce n'est pas l'ignorance qui les résoudra. I. Asimov

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Localisation : Alpes Maritimes

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 10:18

Indeed, the highlight here is definitely the rigging. But the rest is also very good, good job and thanks for sharing!

javlin aime ce message

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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 14:42

Thanks Guys I do enjoy modeling the IJN to me the ships really have some nice lines about them.I have the Mogami in the stash I am not going to kill it that one with the PE and the the accompany flight deck.I built the Yahagi and left off the small flight deck in PE thinking the stubble on the deck was over scaled.I have the Roma and POW in  1/350 in the stash as I mentioned before aircraft is my main interest in 1/32 mainly.
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Philippe R. DAVID
Second Maître
Second Maître
Philippe R. DAVID

Localisation : Tournai - Belgique
Navire préféré : Il y en a tant mais le croiseur Colbert représente quelque chose de spécial pour moi.

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 14:55

Good job, javlin !
This is a very nice model of a beautiful cruiser.

Amical salut !

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Wp_20146

javlin aime ce message

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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 23:10

Philippe R. DAVID a écrit:
Good job, javlin !
This is a very nice model of a beautiful cruiser.
Thank You Phil next up will be the build of the Yahagi next week not many more left the RN Pola,Graf Spee,IJn Destroyer,American Destroyer and a 1/200 German Sub(?).Kevin Wink

Philippe R. DAVID aime ce message

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Localisation : Alpes Maritimes

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 23:14

javlin a écrit:
Thanks Guys I do enjoy modeling the IJN to me the ships really have some nice lines about them.I have the Mogami in the stash I am not going to kill it that one with the PE and the the accompany flight deck.I built the Yahagi and left off the small flight deck in PE thinking the stubble on the deck was over scaled.I have the Roma and POW in  1/350 in the stash as I mentioned before aircraft is my main interest in 1/32 mainly.
I agree, I too am enjoying the lines of the IJN cruisers, one of the sleekiest designs ever in my opinion sourire

Philippe R. DAVID et javlin aiment ce message

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Localisation : Biloxi,MS

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptySam 25 Nov 2023, 23:36

I would not mind doing the Yamato and maybe the Bismark but I literally have close to 300 unbuilt aircraft ATTM with close to 250 built in cabinets in my workshop.The workshop the office area 7'X16' I build models mainly and draw up plans at times for woodwork.The rest of the shop 22'X16' is dedicated to woodwork and whatever people want me to fix.Kevin Rolling Eyes
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Lieutenant de Vaisseau
Lieutenant de Vaisseau

Localisation : Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Navire préféré : Ceux du XVIIème siècle

IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin EmptyDim 26 Nov 2023, 09:42

Hello Javlin,

Impressive work on this beautiful kit.
Aerials are stunning !


Labor omnia vincit

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IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin   IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin Empty

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IJN Heavy Crusier Chikuma [Tamiya 1/350°] de javlin
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